Discover the Renaissance Institute!

A collegial community of lifelong learners over the age of 50, Renaissance Institute, abounds with opportunities to express your creativity, engage in intellectual pursuits and explore new ideas while building enriching camaraderie.

Renaissance members are writers, painters, historians, teachers, scientists, film buffs, musicians, dancers, poets, bankers, realtors, lawyers, sports fans, nurses and more! Most are retired, many are grandparents, and all have fascinating life experiences to share.

Renaissance鈥檚 non credit classes are designed and led by members, and local professionals. Enjoy a mix of on campus and Zoom based selections on Tuesdays and Thursdays each spring and fall semester.  Check in for special lectures and social events, clubs, and our unique Summer and Winter in the City Programs for continuing enrichment and fun when classes are out of session.

The Renaissance Curriculum covers a wide range of interests including: art, history, science, literature, music, philosophy, politics, public affairs, creative writing, drawing and painting, film, languages, qi gong, and yoga.

Renaissance instructors come from all walks  - some experienced educators, others stepping up to share a passion, avocation or a special talent in art, music or writing.  RI has a long tradition of member instructors who volunteer to teach a class. Also, we have non-member instructors who we actively recruit and to whom we offer compensation!

Come for the Classes- Stay for the Friendships!

Your membership fee provides

  • Enrollment in Renaissance courses each fall and spring ( Course material fees may apply)
  • Participation in "Winter in the City" and "Summer in the City" social and cultural trips and activities
  • Enjoyment of student privileges at the 六合网址大全/Loyola library and NDM fitness center, including Amazon Prime student membership and free downloads of Microsoft Office 365.
  • Ability to audit one course per academic year at 六合网址大全 for a fee of only $195.
  • Receipt of Renaissance鈥檚 curated  annual literary arts journal Reflections
  • Opportunities to forge new friendships through special interest events and activities

Fall 2024 Course information

Course Schedule (PDF)   Course Catalog (PDF)

Online Payment and Course Registration

Please Choose Your Membership Option


Fall 2024 Gift Certificates Available

Cost: $265


Please Give Today to Support Future Renaissance Institute Programs


How to Become a Member and Register for Classes

Renaissance is open to all people from all educational backgrounds with a keen interest in intellectual and creative pursuits.

On Campus and Zoom classes will begin September 10, 2024.

Renaissance adheres to COVID-19 protocols established by 六合网址大全 and the City of Baltimore. /ndmu-together/general-health-safety

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For More Information Contact Us:

Staff is available Tuesday through Thursday 8am-4pm
The Renaissance Office is closed during the months of June and July.

Sandy Adams
Program Coordinator

Shirley Bigley LaMotte
Program Director